expand / collapse status bar by tiltingThis expand and collapse the status bar (or notification center) automatically, by detecting phones back cover
expand / collapse status bar by tilting
This expand and collapse the status bar (or notification center) automatically, by detecting phone's back cover angle with the ground. Users can see latest information of their phone, without pulling down the status bar by fingers. It detect of angle with the ground, and trigger expansion and collapse of the status bar.
Because of the large screen size, pulling down the status bar could be tedious and difficult sometime. It can also help you to keep your screen clean because auto pull-down do not require touching of screen. If you have a large screen, you will love this app.
To summarize, it collapse and expand (open / close) your status bar without touching your screen.
PRO version support more function, including auto collapse of status bar, and it is ad-free. To support this app, please upgrade to PRO version.
*** Samsung android 5/6 users, please enable the accessibility service ***
*** Slow expansion? Go to Settings > developer option, turn off Animation duration scale ***